How to Bend Down and Bind Up Wounds a Whole Country Away

The Good Samaritan story in the book of Luke is a beautiful picture of sacrificial love and giving, a picture of the heart of Jesus, full of compassion and care. His example is who we are to be to the hurting, wounded, broken, forgotten, and those devalued in this world. Jesus Himself said that what we do for the least of these, we have actually done for Him. This is an astounding and powerful statement that provides such profound inspiration as we consider that how we spend ourselves on behalf of the poor is really as though we are doing it for Jesus Himself. How does this look when the least of these live a country away and physically bending down to care for wounds seems impossible?

Most of us have a longing to help others, to be a blessing to the least of these, to make a real change in the world around us. We know that it is greater to give than receive, yet sometimes because the needs abound greater than our ability to invest, we disconnect and stand still, unsure where to begin. Sometimes we don’t give because we feel that our giving won’t be a worthy drop in the bucket of such great need. Sometimes we don’t give because we are unsure if the ministry asking for help is really using the money in the right way. And, sometimes we don’t give to those across the globe because our own daily tasks and personal wounds take center stage and the needs “over there” just seem unrealistic to meet.
As with anything worth doing, having faith is the key. It is trusting God’s principles that when we give of ourselves to serve others, real life change can happen both for them and us. It is a belief that God can take our small offering and do miracles with it, mountain-moving, heart-healing, life-changing miracles!

This is how it works for wounds a world away, it is our giving that allows us to bend down like the Good Samaritan, pouring out help and care to the ones we read about. God can use your giving to be your going. Your gift carries the weight of real life change.
Asian Hope is binding wounds and offering hope every day at our Village Christian Schools. Your gift is bending down with each teacher as they pour tirelessly into their students. Your giving is binding up wounds, offering salve to the hurting and unseen, restoring families and futures. You are bending down and offering a cup of clean water in His name though your monthly gift. You are defeating abject poverty by offering an incredible Christian education to help each student rise up as leaders in their country. You are like the Good Samaritan as you invest your resources to change the country of Cambodia with the Gospel. Don’t be overwhelmed with the greatness of the need. When Jesus puts the need in front of you, it’s the need He will equip you to resolve. Where He guides us to give, He always provides.
For $35 a month, you can bind up wounds in children and their families. You can change a country with the love of Christ. You can be like the Good Samaritan who saw the need and was moved with compassion, choosing to invest time and money to make a difference. Asian Hope gives 90% of all donations to fund the ministry in Cambodia so you can give confidently knowing that your gift is making a difference. Imagine finishing this next year with the joy of knowing that you gave and lives were changed. Take the hand of Jesus and trust Him to multiply your gift. Asian Hope is a beautiful ministry that is changing Cambodia today, tomorrow and for eternity! Bend down with us this year and together we can bind up wounds in His name, and change lives with His love.


As long as poverty, injustice & inequality persist, none of us can truly rest. It doesn’t take much to change a life, Get in touch today and start making the difference.